Our Community CenterProject
Our Goal: $50,000
How to Give: Click Here or visit https://lovestruth.breezechms.com/form/GivingTuesday
**All Donations are tax-deductible**
Why: This property will be a stepping stone to the Love's Truth Community Center and will allow for us to begin to offer some of the services such as daycare, food pantry, etc. $50K allows us to place 20% down for the property while paying a comparable monthly note that we pay at our current location while expanding hours and services to the community.
What: Love's Truth Church will implement the following services immediately that are needed in the community:
- Affordable Daycare (We currently have a live-in daycare director with over 8 years of experience in Prince George's County)
- Food Pantry
- After school activities
- Outreach
- Life Group Meetings
When: Our goal is to collect funds and procure the house as soon as possible
Where: Close proximity to Carmody Hills Elementary School.
Frequently Asked Questions:
- Can LTC afford the mortgage? Yes! It's comparable to what we pay monthly for 9 hours of service at Carmody Hills Elementary so we will have more time to serve the community for the same price!
- What happens if we don't get $50K? All the funds would go towards our building fund to get a location to be a stepping stone to the Love's Truth Community Center.
- What happens if we get over $50K? Every dime would go towards the purchase of the house. If we get $250K, we could buy it in cash :) We can also stock the food pantry, charge lower prices for the daycare center, do more community events, etc.
- How much of the funds will go to overhead (staff, etc.)? Our Pastor does not receive a stipend, offering or payment. All of the funds we receive go towards the operations of the ministry so you can be confident that your giving will be used to impact the community.
- Are Donations tax-deductible? Yes! You will receive a statement showing all donations and giving at the end of the calendar year.